Attention C4p, there's a note for you guys again.. Haha.. This note is not up on the toilet door yet.. but soon.. aiks..! Shhh... don't tell anyone.. Hahahahahah...

My study table.. Messy right? Too small table not enough space to put my things. Can you see the elephant's ass on the white board?? Hahahaha...That's my symbol okay? LOL
I love drawing that.. :P

We went for lunch at LeBoss yesterday afternoon. Was great after so long since the last time i went there. Could not even finish my lunch set below. Tau pau balik for people to eat. Haha.

My set lunch Tempura Fish with salad and french fries..

Safiah with her Mee Goreng

Yummy yummy fish... :D

Pineyaya with his wedges..

Mushroom skewer.. looks nice..