The rubbish bin can attract "aliens" to come into our house. The "aliens" are Lizards, Ants and Cockroaches will love it. Swt!
Our house in such a messy, thanks to the foundation kids in our house. And not to forget they are noisy too. They can actually talk from 9pm till midnight and make so much of noise that really pissed my room mates off. Dah la we are so tensed up studying for mid semester exam, they are there enjoying and making so much noise. Haihz.. How to tell them in a nice way that they actually understand us and make less noise? And we actually planed for revenge, by making a lot of noise when they are having their 1st semester finals. Haha!! But... Their finals clashes with ours cause we'll be having study week on that time. Sad case!! Plan failed!! Argh~~
Signing off..