Location: Gurney Plaza
This was what we did in GP, actually not we was ME only. Yea yea i know I'm such a poser. I find it nice. Look at those 2 supporting actress behind me. Jual Mahal don't want to pose. So bad. Hehe.

Location: Queensbay Mall
Me in Crocs posing with the hp pouch. I don't know what its called. That small thing cost RM69. So freaking expensive man. Tadak duit nak beli.
Then me and yongkhey enjoying our Auntie Annes outside Qbay beside the "beach". Thanks to my lovely cousin, Vinnie who wanted to see the view of the "beach".. SWT!! Anyway was nice.
Had a great weekends after so long being stranded in AIMST. Till now more update soon. Hopefully another outing tomorrow with my cousins again. Hehe..